Bulk restore files from "deleted files"

I’m pretty sure that this won’t be retained, as it will essentially be a new file in the backend.

It’s really not that hard, I honestly find it kind of fun and therapeutic :wink: But I can also see how that wouldn’t be everyone’s definition of fun :joy:

It will probably look something like that:
grep <time & date> /path/to/logfile | grep DELETE
A few further tips:

  1. If your output is flooded with unrelated messages filter them with: grep -v "first\|second unrelated message[\|...]"
  2. If you want only specific fields, pipe into cut: cut -f <field numbers seperated by comma> -d "<delimiter>"
  3. Once you’re down to the different users pipe into sort | uniq to get every result just once.
  4. With sort | uniq -c | sort -nk1 you can count uniq appearances and sort that again. But I don’t think that’s useful for you.
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