I just stumbled again over this topic…
in ownCloud Infinite Scale and CalDAV (Calendars) / CardDAV (Contacts)? (Aug 2023)
@hodyroff mentioned:
does anybody has tested these ore other ideas mentioned here in this topic?
i just found the docker-compose example at ocis/deployments/examples/ocis_full/collabora.yml at master · owncloud/ocis · GitHub
(documentation at Install Infinite Scale on a Server)
and as fare as i have read it seems it should be possible to integrate a additional service for radical with the help of
- Radicale/Dockerfile at master · Kozea/Radicale · GitHub
- GitHub - dragotin/radics3: A CS3 Auth Plugin for the Radicale CardDAV/CalDAV Server
what do you mean?
maybe i have to dig some more into this and try it…
with the radics i would not need Keycloak if i understand it correctly?!
maybe it would make sens nevertheless (there is a Docker guide for Keycloak)
sunny greetings