Can not upload big files already researched php.ini is OK please advise

I have been searching and searching in google and every where but can not resolve this
Have already touched the ini in owncloud folder and whm /cpanel too

Any more advice?

owncload version 9

There are various places that can be responsible for the max upload size. Please check:

Why life is so difficult? I have gone through those documents again and again
perhaps I should just give up and have some peace

Thanks God I did not pay for this. OK I give us have been coming back for the last 1 year

Thanks any way will try perhaps in a few years :slight_smile:

too complicated

Often there are different php.ini files (apache module, command line, ...). Some admin panels make the php-configuration more complicated and it's not easy to figure out which file to change. Check perhaps the cpanel/whm-community about their setup.

Please don't take the following personally, but need to take the illusion that time solves something about this issue here:

Hope you've gathered some basic knowledge about PHP/webservers and reading skills to understand the provided documentation until then. This is an absolute minimum if you want to run a software like ownCloud.

If not you don't need to try again in one year as a software is never able to compensate the lack of basic knowledge and reading skills of an administrator / user.