Clean calender app complete with all traces

go on calender app an share with group, find the group but nothing happens
public shares is working

Server configuration
Operating system : ubuntu 16.04 LTS
Web server: apache2
Server version: Apache/2.4.18 (Ubuntu)
Server built: 2018-06-07T19:43:03
Database: mysql 5.7
PHP version: 7.0
ownCloud version: (10.3.1)

Calendar version: (1.6.3)

ownCloud log (data/owncloud.log)
{“reqId”:"#####sxhR1",“level”:3,“time”:“2019-02-21T17:35:22+00:00”,“remoteAddr”:“88.94.##.##”,“user”:“Frank_K”,“app”:“OCP\Share”,“method”:“GET”,“url”:"/owncloud/ocs/v1.php/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/sharees?format=json&search=chr&perPage=200&itemType=principals",“message”:“Sharing backend for principals not found”}

For the reason nobody could help me on that problem I want to clean installations of calendar and install new. The problem is that the entries in database are still the same as before. So how can I clean all what calender app installed?


there was a longer discussion How to fully remove an app a few months ago. If i’m understanding the conclusion correctly there is currently no possibility included in ownCloud to fully remove all database entries of an app automatically. You probably need to have a look at the code of the app itself to see which database entries the app is creating and remove them manually.

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