Error trying to create admin user: failed to connect to the database

Error trying to create admin user: failed to connect to the database .an exception occured in driver :SQLSTATE:2002 no such file or directory .


{"reqId":"WkHbOvvibJoDjWD49MfdSQAAAAQ","remoteAddr":"","app":"PHP","message":"Class 'PDO' not found at \/mnt\/test\/owncloud\/lib\/private\/setup.php#113","level":3,"time":"2017-12-26T05:16:42+00:00","method":"GET","url":"\/index.php","user":"--"}

can anybody help on this. ???

I did the following search and found

how can i resolved it can you please let me know.

[Tue Dec 26 06:08:41.043627 2017] [:error] [pid 53725] [client] PHP Fatal error: Class 'PDO' not found in /var/www/html/owncloud/lib/private/setup.php on line 113

If i'm getting a "PHP Fatal error" the first thing i would do is to search some online resources like a search engine or the PHP manual to find a solution. I think it could be also possible that you just have not fulfilled all requirements for ownCloud, then the manual of ownCloud about the prerequisites might help as well.

same configuration is working on my other machine .with same codes .i am working with drbd wiht owncloud

I think another machine can have another installed packages or a complete different base install. If both machines would share the same base then i think you wouldn't see this message.