Files in one folder shared with different read/write attributes for different users

Not a bug, just a question to see if possible.

Running 10.0.10 server, 2.5.4 Windows Client

Our file structure, owned by the Manager, is:-

Manager’s Owncloud root containing Private files.
->Shared-Files ( Sub-folder currently shared r/w with all staff )
->-> Documentation ( Sub-folder )
->->->file1, file2, file3 etc. (contained within Documentation folder. )

2 questions.

  1. We would like to make the Documentation folder read only to all staff so they cannot add more files. I can’t think of way to do it with it as a sub-folder, the only way I can think of is to elevate it to the same level as Shared-files and share read only which will create a separate folder in the Users Owncloud root directory.

  2. Even if we have to do 1 as described above, we would like to have rules so that the files could be updated by a named person in addition to the Manager. So file1 would be read/write to user1 but read only to other Users. File2 R/W to User2 etc.
    Again the only way I can think of doing that is to share the files individually with the users, but again that will place the individual files in their Owncloud root folder and would not within a single folder.

All the users also have their own ‘private’ files and folders in their Owncloud root, so adding any documentation files or folder to the root would be confusing as they expect anything shared to be under the ‘Shared-folder’.

Thanks in advance for any ideas, or if I am missing something obvious.

I don’t think it’s possible with the ownCloud’s sharing model: people can still access through the “Shared-Files” to have r/w access.

There are some unreleased changes in the windows_network_drive app which might work for your case. You’d need to move all those files to a windows machine (samba could do it too) and connect ownCloud with windows using the windows_network_drive app. The permissions would be handled by windows in the same way you want, and you could set the permissions in windows.

The problem is that the app is enterprise-only (paid), and as said, these changes aren’t released yet (you might need to ask support). There are additional restrictions to take into account.

In theory, the SMB connector (free) could work under the same conditions, although not as nice as with the paid one.

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