Fresh OC v10 docker install with files upload issues


I have an issue with the upload of files of size greater than approx 2Mb in my own owncloud server.
It’s a fresh 10.0.10 (stable) version install.
I have just a few files in my local (laptop) folder but only a few are synced to the remote server

For the filtes that are not synced, owncloud desktop (v2.5.1) returns a weired error : ignoré à cause d’une précédente erreur, nouvel essai dans 24 heures (translated : ignored due to previous error, will try again in 24 hours)
I checked and there is no previous error on those files.
I also checked on the server logs and there is nothing interesting.

I’m using the owncloud/server:latest docker image which is running on a rancher 2.1.2 host
I also have another container running mariadb and another one with redis.

I’m searching the origin of this issue since weeks.
Any idea, please ?

obvously I had to post a question before finding the response 10min later…

The problem came from rancher’s ingress missing annotation as described here

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