I tried to install Tasks 0.9.1 on OwnCloud 9.1
I get this error:
Signature could not get checked. Please contact the app developer and check your admin screen.
I found a few topics about this problem. But no solution how to install. Is it possible to install?
Thank you
Try to download the tasks.zip from here:
extract it into your apps folder and enable it from within the "not enabled" category. You will still get the integrity warning but the install should work.
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Thank you.
cd apps/
wget https://github.com/owncloud/tasks/releases/download/v0.9.1/tasks.zip
unp tasks.zip
rm tasks.zip
chown -R www-data: tasks
Normally you don't need to do this anymore as the tasks app 0.9.2 is now signed with a valid cert