Invalid Hash for Non-existant Files?

After upgrading to 9.1.3, I'm getting invalid hash warnings for two files that are not on my server:

  • files_external
      • 3rdparty/Dropbox/API.php
  • files_texteditor

      • js/vendor/ace/src-noconflict/mode-diff.js

Since they don't exist in any previous version I've used, how do I upload the correct versions, or otherwise dismiss this warning?

Updating to 9.1.4 should solve this issue.

It did eliminate the invalid hash issue, thanks. Now I have "extra files" that are non-existent. Not sure what to do with these, but I suppose I can just ignore the message until some future update takes care of it. Or is there something you recommend?

  • files_antivirus
      • l10n/.gitkeep
  • files_external
      • 3rdparty/.gitignore
      • 3rdparty/aws-sdk-php/Symfony/Component/ClassLoader/.gitignore
      • 3rdparty/icewind/smb/.gitignore
  • gallery
      • .gitmodules
      • .github/
      • .github/
      • .github/
      • build/documentation/reports/index.html
      • vendor/symfony/yaml/.gitignore


append an /apps before this (e.g. /path/to/owncloud/apps/files_antivirus) and enable showing hidden files in your terminal / filemanager. Delete the files and then run the rescan like explained in the documentation (link to that is also shown in the message in your admin backend).

Thanks, that did the trick!