I have a fresh install of owncloud 10.0.8. Previously, I had a 10.0.8 installed from a 9.x, but it had some issues and I decided to make a fresh install.
In the nonfresh 10.0.8, previously configured local storage worked, but newly configurated local storage did not.
In the fresh 10.0.8, local storage does not work.
I had seen that, when I click on the red line of the non-working local storage, the config line has shoretened: when I said the local storage was in /public_html/BLAHBLAH/BLAH, now the local storage config says “/public_h”
(I can’t check it using the database. I have selected postgres as database type, and I don’t know how to browse a postgres database. phppgadmin says the oc tables about external mount contain 0 rows).