Login to agendas failed on windows

I installed oc 10.0.3 from scratch and created several agendas, I shared all these agendas with a group named "agenda"
I can see my agendas from webdav using any userid belonging to "agenda" group.
I can see my agendas on android using davdroid
I can see my agendas on linux using my userid with thunderbird+agenda
I can't see my agendas on windows using either my userid or another belonging to "agenda" group with thunderbird+agenda

Here is the log with another userid belonging to "agenda" group
{"reqId":"WgvjwQoAAbwAABhjoIIAAAAg","level":2,"time":"2017-11-15T06:50:41+00:00","remoteAddr":"","user":"--","app":"core","method":"PROPFIND","url":"\/nuage\/owncloud\/remote.php\/caldav\/calendars\/gilles\/toto\/","message":"Login failed: 'a@wanadoo.fr' (Remote IP: '')"}

Here is the log using my userid
{"reqId":"WgvkAgoAAbwAABhjobkAAAA7","level":2,"time":"2017-11-15T06:51:46+00:00","remoteAddr":"","user":"--","app":"core","method":"PROPFIND","url":"\/nuage\/owncloud\/remote.php\/caldav\/calendars\/gilles\/toto\/","message":"Login failed: 'gl@orange.fr' (Remote IP: '')"}

can anybody help ?

Very sorry
userid asked by thunderbird windows in order to connect owncloud is owncloud's userid.
Everything is correct now

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