Migration to a new server

Hello guys

I want to transfer my productive ownCloud server to a new one.

The actual productive server is running with following software components:
- Ubuntu 14.04
- Apache 2.4.7
- MySQL 5.5.49
- PHP 5.6.19
- owncloud 9.0.3

The new productive server will have the following software components:
- Ubuntu 16.04
- Apache 2.4.18
- MySQL 5.7.12
- PHP 7.0.8
- owncloud 9.0.3

I have already installed Ubuntu, Apache, MySQL and PHP on the new server. I have copied the owncloud folder from owncloud.org to the new Web Server destination. When I Access through the browser to the new owncloud I receive the initial setup page of the owncloud Setup.

Now my question. Does the new owncloud server work as soon I copy the database, the config files and the data from the old server to the new server, or should I first do the inital setup on the new server?

Best Regards

Gennaro Piano

You only have to copy back the config-file, database and data. The initial setup is not required.


it also worth to have a look at the official documentation where a migration steps are provided:
