Need Help with Redis Error


From Time to time I get this error over and over in my log file /var/log/redis/redis.log:

14432:M 27 May 2019 10:50:02.110 # Background saving error
14432:M 27 May 2019 10:50:08.026 * 1 changes in 900 seconds. Saving…
14432:M 27 May 2019 10:50:08.027 * Background saving started by pid 4641
4641:C 27 May 2019 10:50:08.027 # Failed opening the RDB file redis (in server root dir /etc/cron.d) for saving: Permission denied

When I stop redis and then start redis it works a short while. Maybe a few days.

I’m using Redis on CentOS 7.6 with redis version:
Redis server v=5.0.5 sha=00000000:0 malloc=jemalloc-5.1.0 bits=64 build=619d60bfb0a92c36

My dir value in redis.conf is /var/lib/redis

It is not clear why it is looking in the /etc/cron.d folder.

Any direction would be appreciated.

  • Mike


i’m not sure but somehow this looks to me like an issue where you probably should seek for help at e.g.


It seems I had my Redis install configured in correctly.

I had mistakenly let redis port 6379 open to the public internet.

Someone or something was trying to hack my server via this port through an access escalation via the Redis user.

I was lucky my redis does does not run as root, but rather another user with limit privileges.

When I blocked port 6379 I stopped having the issue.

  • Mike