OwnCloud Client Permissions Trouble

Hey, community!
I have a new trouble with ownCloud Desktop Client. In official FAQ I read that possible edit permissions for other users, but I haven't this settings. It's empty and not active.

Could anybody help resolv this problem?


it might be interesting which oC version and client version you're running (Please always provide such info in your initial post!!!!).

Some of such features needs a newer oC version.

On my server insalled ownCloud 8.1.9 stable release. On Desktops used Win7 and ownCloud sync client 2.2. Shold I update server or I can downgrade client?

You probably need to upgrade from 8.1.9 up to 9.1.1 to get this functionality.

Yeah, It's realy come back. But I just upgrade ownCloud to next version 8.2.7