Dear owncloud team,
i work hard since 15 days to build owncloud code source for Mac OS X 10.11 and nothing work :(.
i can run application from xCode but none of dmg or pkg work when i build it :s
Steps to reproduce
i following step by step for Mac os X
First bug : QtWebKitWidget and QTWebKit does not exist into qt 5.6.1-1
i download Qt editor for trying to open project. and i found that Qt Editor download version of Qt that has QtWebKitWidget and QTWebKit
i hack the steps and i force copied QtWebKitWidget and QTWebKit into /usr/local/qt5/5.6.1-1/lib
i download CMAKE UI and i generet xCode project
i correct some importation like : qtkeychain.h and dlyb
i copied some library not found from other versions
i finaly run application into xCode with RUN target owncloud and everthing work
i run package or install it generate me pkg and .dmg but if i started nothing work and i have this exception from owncloudcmd i hade this : Reason: Incompatible library version: owncloudcmd requires version 5.6.0 or later, but QtNetwork provides version 5.4.0
Expected behaviour
i want have a dmg or pkg or my bin have framework and all informations embedded plz help