Query to check MFA enrollment in mysql database

Hi, I’m looking for a bit of help here with regards to MFA enrollment. I want to use the TOTP application to handle two factor authentication, however, it appears that at the moment I can’t make enrollment mandatory/force it on login. This is a bit of a compliance issue, however, if I could check enrollment status of users within the OwnCloud SQL database, it would help to alleviate said issues until mandatory 2FA is implemented within OwnCloud

Steps to reproduce

  1. Install TOTP app for OwnCloud server

Expected behaviour

MFA should be mandatory

Actual behaviour

MFA is not mandatory

Server configuration

Operating system: Ubuntu LTS 18.04

Web server: Apache

Database: MySQL

PHP version:

ownCloud version:

Updated from an older ownCloud or fresh install: Updated

Hi MotorbrainConsulting,

I guess you are looking for the table oc_twofactor_totp_secrets
All user_ids from oc_accounts who had clicked the “Enable TwoFactor” ckeckbox are represented by an entry. When they had sucessfully verified the first code the flag verified is set to 1

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