Hello, I’m new to my organization, so I set up owncloud following the guidelines given by the IT teams. One of the steps was to click on “download all folders” for the first installation of local folders on the desktop.
Except that my team hadn’t told me that “download all folders” would download hundreds of gigabytes of files. Since then, owncloud hasn’t been working properly because most of the files haven’t been downloaded/synchronized, and my computer is running slowly because I’m using its maximum storage capacity.
The IT team explained to me how to suppress the synchronization of certain folders locally (to remove some heavy folders locally) but the first installation took up so much storage that I can’t restart any synchronization. I am stuck and would like to restart all the process from the beginning so that I could “undo” the first step that put me in this position : download all folders. This time, I would select “download a selection of files”.
Should I ask the IT team to delete own cloud desktop application and download it and re start ? I am afraid that the files would still be in my computer even if i delete the own cloud app. I dont want to delete the files because the IT team told me it would delete the files for all my team.
Is there a way to delete locally all folders (of course only locally, not from our own cloud team server), to restart the process ? …
Thanks a lot, you would save me if you had any kind of ideas to solve this big issue. I am not an english native speaker but deepl should help me traduce your solutions