Script For Installing ownCloud 10.0.8 on Centos 7.4 or Other Flavor?

Hello Everyone,

Just curious if there was an automated way to install and configure all of ownCloud on Centos 7.4 (or some other flavor of Linux)? To be honest, there’s a lot of PHP packages, prerequisites, and configuring (at least more than I really want to do) in order to get ownCloud up and running properly…the key word is “properly”. It would be great if ownCloud was more “turnkey”!

I could provide you with my script for Ubuntu. Works like a charm :slight_smile:

I would be forever grateful!

Password is 1234

First install the for the prerequisites

Then execute the second one with the version number


./ 10.0.8

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Thank you! I will try it out soon.

Can you grant me access to those two scripts again, the link you provided is not working.

This script accepts 2 variables.

first one is the version number like “10.0.8”

second one is your hosts IP address.

Start the script like this:

./ 10.0.8

have fun

Thanks again! I got it this time!

I forgot, you have to install “mariadb-server” and “apache2”


Did you install Redis for transactional file locking? I thought I read that not having some type of transactional file locking could cause corrupted files.

It’s recommended for production systems