Selecting the default app

From the release notes for 10.11:

Notable Changes

  • The default app on login can now be set per individual user. ownCloud use this to remember which UI (Classic UI or ownCloud Web) the user has used during their last session. This way, users are always redirected to their preferred UI after logging in. #39600

Unfortunately, I cannot find that setting anywhere in the (classic) web UI. And It also doesn’t remember the last used app.
Do I miss something?

Sorry, but this is completely unrelated to my issue. Or are you just trying to spam?

Spam. I just flagged it …

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I think it mostly refers to the ownCloud web app that has a button to switch the UI.
Basically, you install the web app, configure it and you have a button in that app to use the web app as default for the current user.

Outside of that particular use case, I don’t think there is an official way to setup the default app per user. I mean, technically is possible, but not user-friendly.

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Thanks, this is exactly had expected/was afraid of.
I was just curious.

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