We have an intranet server (win10) running on top of a folder in our owncloud directory. Currently this is running on a separate computer that has the owncloud desktop client syncing the files. This works ok, but I would like to combine the owncloud server (Ubuntu 24.04, oc 10.14.0) and intranet server into one system.
I experimented with using davfs2 looping back to localhost on the server. This does work but was painfully slow.
So I was thinking, maybe the intranet server could read and serve files directly from the owncloud data folder “…/owncloud/data/{USER}/files/intranet” as this would be the lowest latency option.
Even though I would set the intranet user to read only on the owncloud data directory I am worried about causing interference with owncloud. Is there no risk if only reading from this file set?
How would you tackle this problem?