Shares are lost after upgrade to 10.0.10

let’s try checking the oc_shares table and see if we can find anything. If I remember correctly, the shares are associated with a fileid against the oc_filecache table. If the shares are lost, it might mean that the fileid is missing.

I have checked that table also… Shares are there, and with the same values you can see in PRODUCTION environment… but if you log into TEST with ARABOX-ESCOLAR, the folder /Coordinadores does not have any shares…

Could you check if the file_source (367603) is present in the filecache table? I suspect it isn’t.

Hi, yes is present…

How many users have this problem? If it’s one, maybe he added a personal mount point and that mount point is overlapping with the system one.

There are more than one… about 10 users in this situation…