October 13, 2016, 11:57am
Hi. Can config windows sync app that way, after install and select folders to sync, app sync only structure folders and files, but not will be downloading files. App will by download files or all folders only after click sync icon on folder or files.
the sync client doesn’t support this functionality. Some plans to include this are currently discussed here:
opened 04:45PM - 08 Jan 16 UTC
closed 11:43AM - 08 Aug 19 UTC
This is a research task, to look into and define what it would take to make this… happen. Basic user story looks like this:
As a user, I want to see all of my files on my desktop, regardless of if they have synced or not so that I can access my files at any time, from anywhere.
Acceptance Criteria:
- A threshold can be set for the "cache" that is allowed on the desktop
- Favorites are synced automatically with the client.
- The most recently accessed files are synced until the cache is full, then files are removed from the local device.
- If favorites are bigger than the cache, only the recently accessed favorites are kept
And much more.
@karlitschek @dragotin @danimo for your continued discussion and additional requirements.
October 14, 2016, 11:52am
:blue_book: The ownCloud documentation and manual
This could also be interesting.
@pablik Please report back here if this works for you…