The username is already being used

i am having trouble to install owncloud. here’s what i got.

root@ubuntu-desktop:/var/www# occ maintenance:install --database “mysql” --database-name “owncloud” --database-user “owncloud” --database-pass “password” --admin-user “admin” --admin-pass “admin”
The username is already being used

what do i do ?

Obviously your database owncloud already had content and a user admin exists there. Maybe from an earlier try?

If it’s a fresh install, you should start over with a fresh database.


thank you for your reply.
plz tell me more specifically


i have found something similar and there the following advice has been given by some one else which i think could help with that message:


i dont know how to delete.

Hi Silver_Lee,

I guess now is a good time to learn SQL, here we go


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