Two factor authentication or iOS or owncloud

Having a problem with iOS calendar and not sure if its iOS or owncloud problem .

I have set up two factor authentication in owncloud .

I also have calendar from owncloud set up in iOS .

Seems I can log in but somehow iOS keep asking for the password everyday and I see my iPad keeps getting block after several day .

Not sure, but this seems to me like it is more of an iOS than a server problem, so I’ve gone ahead and moved your topic.
@michaelstingl Not sure if you are notified, if I move a topic, so I’m notifying you here again :wink:

@chacho Can you provide some more information, client version numbers, client & server logs?

I guess following answer is also valid for your problem, you should use app-password to authenticate mobile clients:


This is not a problem with the ownCloud iOS app. It is a problem with the iOS system Calendar app. Better move to

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As you can see events do show in calendar, yet is asking me to log in again when I open it

I didn’t see any failure login in but log shows failed login

“reqId”:“r5KFkPQw3jUZSEQFviwG”,“level”:2,“time”:“2020-01-14T04:57:28-05:00”,“remoteAddr”:“xxxxxxxxxxxxx”,“user”:"–",“app”:“core”,“method”:“PROPFIND”,“url”:"/remote.php/dav/principals/users/xxxxxxxxxxxxxx/",“message”:“Login failed: ‘xxxxxxxxxxx’ (Remote IP: ‘xxxxxxxxxxxxx’)”}