Unable to Access Owncloud applicance from Static Public IP and error while joining AD

Hi, chunxuwu,

Sorry for the late reply.

I haven't remove port 443 for Owncloud IP Address, but for other IP Addresses where port 443 has been set are removed.
1) For Windows Server IP Address in the router - > port 443 disabled
2) For Owncloud IP Address in the router - > port 443 enabled

You should draw an x-ray view of ingress traffic entering into the router, means the traffic coming from outside into the router.

Feel free to ask any queries.

Thank you.

@dmitry so kind of you ,thank you very much

@Compeec Any word can't express my appreciation ,thank you !!!

@Compeec sorry to bother you again.

I want to know if i want login ownCloud server, must i install "Active Directory-computible"?

If yes, why i can't install that application

like the picture show,the network is unreachable.

And i can sure that my host computer is connect the network. ps: my computer connect to network through VPN, does that matters?

Hi dmitry,
Sorry to bother you again, you say reinstall the appliance, which appliance, the own cloud server or the others like "Active Directory-compatible Domain Controller"??:confused:

If is own cloud server , i don't see "integrate the appliance in my active directory".
If is "Active Directory-compatible Domain Controller",why i can't install, when i click that appliance, on the bottom of the web site show "Network is unreachable":sob:

"You can setup the appliance as before, and edit the hosts file." , i also don't know that means? could you describe it detailly..:sweat:

Please open up a new issue with description of your setup, the steps you took to install the appliance, what are you trying to achieve and what went wrong.