we just released Audio Player 1.4.1 with bugfixes and changes:
- pl translation from @andypl78 #105
- support for PHP 7.1
- getID3 to 1.9.13-201612181356 #119
- search order of cover art #126
- padding/margin in share player
- natural sorting for category lists
- de + de_DE translations
- support for ownCloud 8
- support for PHP <5.6
- album year from search criteria #116
- Chrome CSS issue with only one track in album #104
- correct arrays and remove obsolete functions (thanks @mc-comanescu and @rseabra) #110 #123
- correct ORDER BY syntax for PostgreSQL database (thanks @Turgon37) #112
- album cover not written to database #113
- catch Unicode characters in artist name #118
- welcome screen not shown at first start #121
Full changelog: audioplayer/CHANGELOG.md at master · Rello/audioplayer · GitHub
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