Update Error in Fedora 34 for OwnCloud, Conflict with File, "sudo yum remove" Won't Fix

I tried to update owncloud-client using sudo dnf install owncloud-client.

I got the following error message:

[SKIPPED] ocqt51210-qt5keychain1-0.12.0-2.1.x86_64.rpm: Already downloaded             
[SKIPPED] owncloud-client-2.9.0-5150.x86_64.rpm: Already downloaded                    
Running transaction check
Transaction check succeeded.
Running transaction test
The downloaded packages were saved in cache until the next successful transaction.
You can remove cached packages by executing 'dnf clean packages'.
Error: Transaction test error:
  file /etc/ownCloud/sync-exclude.lst from install of owncloud-client-2.9.0-5150.x86_64 conflicts with file from package owncloud-client-libs-2.7.4-2.fc34.x86_64

i then uninstalled owncloud completely, tried agan, same error

tried apt-get -o Dpkg::Options::="–force-overwrite" install owncloud-client, it doesn’t work

tried sudo su and going into thunar to delete all the owncloud files already there, didn’t work and there’s no 2.7.4 file anywhere.

tried a dnf clean but nothing

i can’t find owncloud-client-libs-2.7.4-2.fc34.x86_64 anywhere, i don’t know how to get rid of it or the error, i’ve done many searches.

Expected behaviour

Tell us what should happen

Actual behaviour

Tell us what happens instead

Steps to reproduce

Server configuration

Operating system:

Web server:


PHP version:

ownCloud version:

Storage backend (external storage):

Client configuration

Client version:

Operating system:

OS language:

Qt version used by client package (Linux only, see also Settings dialog):

Client package (From ownCloud or distro) (Linux only):

Installation path of client:


Please use Gist (https://gist.github.com/) or a similar code paster for longer

Template for output < 10 lines

  1. Client logfile: Output of owncloud --logwindow or owncloud --logfile log.txt
    (On Windows using cmd.exe, you might need to first cd into the ownCloud directory)
    (See also http://doc.owncloud.org/desktop/2.2/troubleshooting.html#client-logfile )

  2. Web server error log:

  3. Server logfile: ownCloud log (data/owncloud.log):

Where did you install from?

Please make sure you install from official ownCloud repository:

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