Upgrade to 3.1.4 on freebsd

hello I wont to upgrade to the new version of owncloud and it gives me the error that the
configuration sould do by command prompt because it is s heavy upgrad

Go to the owncloud directory and start the upgrade from your terminal:
sudo -u www php occ upgrade

the command suites freebsd?

If your webserver user is www, it should be at least similar, I'm not a FreeBSD user.

root@customplugin_1:/ # -u www php occ upgrade
-u: Command not found.
root@customplugin_1:/ #
root@customplugin_1:/ #


Use update on a command line Because this is a large update.

Help, you can view the documentation.

You forgot sudo in the command from the earlier post https://central.owncloud.org/t/upgrade-to-3-1-4-on-freebsd/5710/2

It a root environment thanks

Yes, but you must not run this command as root.

\root@customplugin_1:/ # sudo -u www php occ upgrade
sudo: Command not found.
root@customplugin_1:/ #
root@customplugin_1:/ #

sudo also exists for FreeBSD:

Please get familiar with a new OS on a local installtion before you consider using it on a public server.

Thanks I think I'll switch to centos7