Upload of any file fails without explanation

My ownCloud installation was moved to a new server by my webhosting provider without my knowing. Since then, I can’t create or update files on the server. Not using the web interface and not using the sync client. This happens with every user account.

There is no comprehensive error message in the web interface or the sync client. Only that ownCloud could not create that file or folder.

My best guess is that something broke because the new server uses another (newer?) PHP or MySQL version. But I can’t really tell since I don’t know which version the old server used. But why wouldn’t ownCloud work with another version anyway? So do you have other guesses?

Maybe the file permissions also got mixed up but all the documentation I can find about the right permissions (there used to be a script) lead to a dead link.

So I’d appreciate your help a lot. Thanks.

Server configuration

Operating system: unknown

Web server: Apache

Database: MySQL

PHP version: 7.3

ownCloud version:

Updated from an older ownCloud or fresh install: Updated

Where did you install ownCloud from: Web Download

Signing status (ownCloud 9.0 and above):

"No errors have been found."

The content of config/config.php:

Are you using external storage, if yes which one: local

Are you using encryption: no

Are you using an external user-backend, if yes which one: no

ownCloud log (data/owncloud.log)

My log file has 1.3 Gb. Since the error is new, I only copied the last couple of entries: {"reqId":"37a444fb-cb19-45c4-9f1a-4f26519a93c7","level":0,"time":"2021-12-15T17: - Pastebin.com

{"reqId":"YbomR0zZfA3u2uQ5JV5LbwAAABM","level":3,"time":"2021-12-15T17:30:47+00:00","remoteAddr":"","user":"--","app":"no app in context","method":"PROPFIND","url":"\/remote.php\/caldav\/calendars\/user3\/pers%C3%B6nlich","message":"User backend OC\\User\\Database is returning home: \/var\/www\/vhosts\/sprit35121.web8.wh20.easyname.systems\/\/web\/domain.tld\/htdocs\/data\/user3 for user: user3 which differs from existing value: \/home\/troth\/web\/domain.tld\/htdocs\/data\/user3"}
{"reqId":"YbomR0zZfA3u2uQ5JV5LbwAAABM","level":3,"time":"2021-12-15T17:30:47+00:00","remoteAddr":"","user":"user3","app":"PHP","method":"PROPFIND","url":"\/remote.php\/caldav\/calendars\/user3\/pers%C3%B6nlich","message":"opendir(\/home\/troth\/web\/domain.tld\/htdocs\/data\/user3\/cache): failed to open dir: No such file or directory at \/var\/www\/vhosts\/sprit35121.web8.wh20.easyname.systems\/web\/domain.tld\/htdocs\/lib\/private\/Files\/Storage\/Local.php#118"}

It seems they broke the installation. The path stored in the DB doesn’t exists and / or is different from the real path.
There is no easy solution as far as I know. You can try to update those paths in the DB (table “oc_accounts”, column “home”) but there might be additional issues.

if the location of the files changed, this part of the documentation might be helpful to identify and modify the parts of the database to be changed:


Thank you very much, @jvillafanez and @grmpf. This doesn’t sound easy, but I’ll definitively give it a try and report back here.

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