US Date format mm-dd-yyyy


I’m running |version|

Is there a way for the date to be in US date format mm-dd-yyyy for share experations?

I looked in the <ownCloud_root>/settings/l10n folder. There was no en_US only en_GB language file.

Aslo, How can I display the file date instead of 3 months ago or 2 years ago in the web UI?


Hi Mike,

I think there is no en_US because that’s the default language. In l10n are translations.

For your second questions - I don’t think it’s possible right now. But you can open a feature request for this.


I did not know that US was default. I remove the en_GB config then.

Thank you,


I removed the language entry in my config for en_GB.

I sell get euro style dates in the UI for dates. See link below.

  • Mike

what exactly did you remove?

sell = then?

Looks like a great hack you did there :slight_smile: might be interesting for other users who want English language but not the date format.


I removed
‘default_language’ => ‘en_GB’,

uhg, I cannot type to save my life. “sell” should have been still. I still get euro styles in the UI. I had hoped the screen shot would have been helpful.

Wait I am confused: Do you want euro styles or not?


I’d like to have the date style for all dates to be mm-dd-yyyy.
