Video automaticaly uploaded from iOS have smaller size then original file

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create Video on iPhone
  2. Video automaticaly uploaded to the server
  3. Download video from server
  4. Check auto uploaded file size and original file
  5. File size is different, uploaded from iOS have smaller size then original file

for example in my case:
15991385 AutoUploaded.MOV

Expected behaviour

Video automaticaly uploaded from iOS have size equal original file

Actual behaviour

Video automaticaly uploaded from iOS have smaller size then original file

Server configuration

Web server:


PHP version:

ownCloud version:

Storage backend (external storage):
Univention Corporate Server 4.2-3 for VirtualBox


iOS version:
ownCloud app version:
Device model:


Web server error log

Insert your webserver log here

ownCloud log (data/owncloud.log)

Insert your ownCloud log here

Tell us what could be improved:

kind of weird behaviour... will check

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Did you try reproduce my case?

Can somebody check my case? Thank you.

I have checked it and the problem is reproducible:

➜ ls -l Video*
-rw-r--r--@ 1 jesus staff 94285782 Mar 19 14:42 Video-2018-03-19-14-40-10_0245.MOV
-rwxr-xr-x@ 1 jesus staff 94317058 Mar 19 14:40 Video-IMG_0245.MOV

first one is the pic uploaded to oC using instant uploads
second one is the one stored in device

the difference in this case es 31KB (0,03%), yours about (0,02%).

Needs to be research, i opened a new ticket in gitHub:

Thanks for reporting 4UQg

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