10.0.3 no option to configure upload limits within the GUI

After update from 10.0.2 to 10.0.3 I'm missing the File handling input box within the administrative backend, where I can increase the upload limit.
How can I change the uploud size on my webhosted ownCloud?

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We have implemented chunking now for all clients including the Web Frontend. With this, this configuration makes no sense anymore. Any upload size can happen now, up to quota limit.

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Hi hodyroff,
thanks for this information.
Unfortunately theres no hint for this in the server manual: https://doc.owncloud.org/server/10.0/admin_manual/configuration/files/big_file_upload_configuration.html

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Thanks for the hint, will be fixed soon. Any questions left in this area?

I’m running owncloud 10.2.1 on a Debian-VM. Any setup of

  • upload_max_filesizeupload_max_filesize
  • post_max_sizepost_max_size

is useless now? I’m asking this because I couldn’t manage to setup .htaccess file or my php.ini to restrict the file size to 500MB.

Can anybody help out please?