9.03 => 9.04 | PHP | proc_open


I try to update from 9.03 to 9.04 (Prior to Update to 9.1) with the Updater in the Admin-Dashboard.
I get the following Error-Message:
'The Process class relies on proc_open, which is not available on your PHP installation.'

I´m on PHP 5.6 (Apache-Modul). I could Change tp PHP 5.6 (CGI/FPM) or to PHP 7.0 (CGI/FPM).
My Provider (Shared Hosting / All-Inkl.com) makes this possible through the Admin-Panel of my Account and a Dropdown-List where I can choose my PHP-Version.

Can I simply change to another PHP-Version? What does this do to my existing OC-Installation, will ist still work? Somewhere I read that when I change I can´t use the "Auto-HTTPS-Redirect" an the "Strict-Tansport-Header-Thing" which I´m using for a long time

(.htaccess with
RewriteEngine on
# redir to https
RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-Forwarded-Proto} !https
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule ^ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301,NE]
# Strict Header Transport Security
Header set Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000" env=HTTPS



Is that right?

The other Option is to update like I did it in V7: Deleting everything via FTP except "Data" and "Config", download and extract the new OC and upload it via FTP.

What should I do?

Thanks in Forward!



your provider is blocking this proc_open PHP function so you currently can't use the udpater app:

Either your provider is making this proc_open function available (which is probably unlikely) or you need to do a manual update.


thank you!

As mentioned I can change to PHP 5.6 (CGI/FPM) or to PHP 7.0 (CGI/FPM) (from PHP56 (Apache)). With these PHP-Versions "proc_open" ist according to my Provider´s Support allowed/not blocked. The only Thing is that with the CGI-PHP I have to change the owner of the OC-Directory on my shared WebSpace.

So I would like to repeat my questions from my first post:
Can I simply change to another PHP-Version? What (else, except chaning Directory-Ownership) does this do to my existing OC-Installation, will ist still work? Somewhere I read that when I change I can´t use the "Auto-HTTPS-Redirect" an the "Strict-Tansport-Header-Thing" which I´m using for a long time

(.htaccess with
RewriteEngine on
# redir to https
RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-Forwarded-Proto} !https
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule ^ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301,NE]
# Strict Header Transport Security
Header set Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000" env=HTTPS

Is that right?

Thanks in Forward



this is nothing what some one in here can answer you. Especially as CGI/FPM is not officially supported for ownCloud.

But in the time we're discussing this in here you would have done the manual update as recommended above.


=> But in the time we're discussing this in here you would have done the manual update as recommended above.
Thank you für this very friendly and very helpful answer!

May be it´s right what you say and a Manual update can/could solve my Problem. This time.
But I´m interested in a) a "Long-Term-Solution" and b) in a little more understanding of OC (in this case OC and PHP).
I thought especially b) ist one of the aims of a board like this?!

And: Why is it, according to you, nearly impossible, that another user, may be at the sam Provider like me, has had (and answered) my question before and can provide me with his experiences?


P.S.: Or did I get you wrong?

If you want to use the updater app a long-term-solution would be to switch your provider as it doesn't support proc_open as your logfile is clearly stating.

Furthermore it is using an unsupported module CGI/FPM instead of mod_php. ownCloud is untested on such environments. Thats why i have written:

Every shared provider has different environments so its quite impossible to answer this question.

Thank you, also for changing your prior answer! :wink:

Nextcloud makes an effort to rewrite the updater app to get rid of these dependencies. They haven't finished it yet but it could be an improvement especially in hosted environments. Not sure if you can easily modify it to work on owncloud as well.

Interesting! Thank you!