Abfrage mit occ Befehl sudo -u www-data php occ check liefert onwcloud ist nicht installiert


Ich habe folgendes Problem, Mein Owncloudserver ist über die WEBGui erreichbar.
Wenn ich aber die occ Befehle ausführe, bekomme ich immer Fehlermeldungen

sudo -u www-data $(which php) occ -V
ownCloud is not installed - only a limited number of commands are available
ownCloud 10.2.1

sudo -u www-data $(which php) occ check
ownCloud is not installed - only a limited number of commands are available

sudo -u www-data $(which php) occ status
ownCloud is not installed - only a limited number of commands are available

In Connection.php line 62:

Failed to connect to the database: An exception occured in driver: could not find driver

status [–output [OUTPUT]]

Wenn ich in die config.php rein schaue ist diese leer.

Ich versteh gerade nicht wor das Problem liegt.

Vieleicht weiss einer von Euch was das Problem ist?


well it does indeed seem that your ownCloud is not installed. Could you show us your whole config.php, think about erasing sensitive data.


The config.php has 0 Kb’s


Well that’s odd. What did you do to be in that weird state ?
Could you explain more ? Is it a new install ? An update ?

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maybe you have two ownCloud installations (one installed and one not) which could explain why you’re seeing a config.php with 0 KBs?