"Add button" not works fine on files page on devices with less than 769 px wide

I noticed that for devices with less than 769 px wide the "add button" (+) on files page not works fine.
You can see this button, but when you tap it, nothing appears.
I tried this with different devices and browser:
- iPhone 5S with Safari and Chrome App -> not works (vertical or horizontal position)
- iPhone 6S with Safari and Chrome App -> not works (vertical or horizontal position)
- iPhone 7 with Safari and Chrome App -> not works (vertical or horizontal position)
- iPad with Safari -> works fine only in horizontal position
- iPad Pro with Safari -> works in vertical and horizontal position

I used Chrome DevTools (Ctrl+Shift+I) and toggle device toolbar (Ctrl+Shift+M) in Chrome browser to test responsive on my PC and if you have the windows with less than 769 px wide the "add button" (+) not works.

We have ownCloud 9.1.4, but this problem is present also in ownCloud 9.0.8

NB: If you use the "add button" (+) in "gallery view" page in a device with less than 769 px, this works fine (I think because in "gallery view" page there is only "Upload" option); in "files" page you have 3 options: "Upload", "Folder" and "Text file").


please always report such issues directly to the developers at github [1]. This is something where users are not able to help.

