Added New LVM HDD - How to check if successful?

Hey all

ubuntu 16.04 desktop with Owncloud X VM Guest

I added a new hdd i purchased LVM to the LVM ssd i already had installed, but i dont know how to tell if i did it right or not.

I followed this older post to add an 8tb hdd to make total space 8.5 tb. 500gb ssd boot + 8tb hdd spin drive

The problem is, i think i may have messed up step 4 or 5 in that post.

Would someone be able to tell my space sitch by looking at images of my LVM manager?
Did i do this right? Where do i look for the amount of storage available?

the hdd i added is at sdb1
fyi, since i am new here i can only UL 1 image per post. Please help!

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To me this looks quite unrelated to ownCloud but is more or less a system administration question. Not sure if you get that much answers here so i think it could be required to ask this question in a forums related to Ubuntu.

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Yes ok I understand.

My specific situation is outlined in this thread

It's an old thread. Maybe I can reply there?

From what i understand that forum is read-only (see the text in the red banner). As it had discussed ownCloud topics as well it probably wouldn't be the best place as well.