Admin external storage command line

Hello, i’m using Owncloud 10.0.10 on Centos 7.6. I made scripts for simplify and automate creation of users and external storage using the occ command line. Using this command:

sudo -u apache ./occ files_external:create --user=utente1 -c host=“localhost”,root="/home/user001",user=“user001”,password=“123456” /Test01 sftp password::password

and as a result i have a personal external storage. Is there a way to create an admin external storage by command line?
Thank you.


Quoting the help:

–user[=USER] user to add the mount configuration for, if not set the mount will be added as system mount

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Thank you, it works! If i want to assign this system mount to a specific user or a group i add another instruction to my script using files_external:applicable.