After updating Ubuntu server 16.04. No access to OwnCloud is possible with the oc-client and/or oc webinterface

Steps to reproduce
1.Working 9.0.1 OC on Ubuntu Server 16.04
2.Upgrade the latest Ubuntu server patches

Expected behaviour
The OC-client shoud connect as it did before. And it should be possible to login via the web interface, as I could before.

Actual behaviour
The OC-client reports that it can not connect to OwnCloud on my server.
Error downloading https://cloud.yyyy.xx/remote.php/webdav/ - server replied: Not Found
Also if I go to my OwnCloud on: https://cloud.yyyy.xx/index.php then it wants me to login. I fill in my credentials and nothing happens. No error, nothing.

Server configuration
Operating system: ubuntu server 16.04
Web server: Apache/2.4.18 (Ubuntu)
Database: mysql 14.14 Distrib 5.7.13, for Linux 9x86_64)
PHP version: 7.0.8-0ubuntu0.16.04.1
ownCloud version (see ownCloud admin page): sudo -u www-data php occ -V: 9.0.1
Updated from an older ownCloud or fresh install:fresh install
ownCloud log (data/owncloud.log: Log file is empty

Special configuration (external storage, external authentication, reverse proxy, server-side-encryption): No

Integrity status for oC9+

Login as admin user into your ownCloud and access
paste the results here.
No results because it's not possible to login.
with occ integrity:check-app
  - class: Exception
  - message: App not found
with occ integrity:check-core
  - owncloud.log:
   - expected:
   - current: cf83e1357eefb8bdf1542850d66d8007d620e4050b5715dc83f4a921d36ce9ce47d0d13c5d85f2b0ff8318d2877eec2f63b931bd47415a81a538327af927da3e

make sure that you're running the latest available version for oC 9.0:

from the issue template shown when creating a new issue in the oC9.0.x category. Your specific issue (compatibility with PHP7.0.6+) is already fixed in the newer releases 9.0.4

Hi RealRancor,

if I use occ upgrade it says: ownCloud is already latest version?
didn't solve te problem.

Any suggestions?


occ upgrade won't download or install any updates nor will it check for new updates. Please read the documentation how to proceed:

Depending on your initial installation way choose the instructions there and proceed with the update to 9.0.4.

I'm closing here for now for the reasons explained in If you need further help with the update please create a new thread in the help category for oC 9.0.x