Android app: how to change local folder offline available?


many thanks for your work on owncloud. I'd like to sync my music from my owncloud server to my Android device. It works fine, but the problem is, that the local folder/data/media/o/owncloud belongs to the internal flash of my device. It's to small for my music. So I'd like to change the local folder. But I didn't find this feature in the owncloud app.

On my rootet device I set a symbolic link/data/media/o/owncloud -> /mnt/media/<my_sd_card>/ownlcoud. For the first time it worked, but after a reboot, the apps tells me, it can't download files.

The link ist owned by the user "media_rw". Does anybody has advice what to do? Perhaps something like

mount --bind /mnt/media/mnt/owncloud /data/media/0/owncloud

Does anybody knows how to set correct rights and owner? Or is there a feature to set the folder path in the app?

Many thanks, ocruty

Hi @ocruty , I see that you are trying to set the sd card as folder path, but that's not currently supported, only internal storage is supported so far.