Anyone having examples of getting collabora to work?

Anyone having any examples of setting up collabora with ocis in a docker container?

I have read the documentation but it’s such a misery and some things point to 404 and examples are mixed with collabora and onlyoffice without clear explanation which is needed for which. (Seriously, the documentation is all over the place and unnecessary hard to understand with all of the components and settings in files or env)

There is a docker-compose example in our github repo: ocis/deployments/examples/ocis_full at master · owncloud/ocis · GitHub It uses more than just collabora but it should contain the necessary configuration.

Could you point out which documentation you used? We need to iterate over it if it is not clear
cc @mmattel

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The source of truth are the admin docs. For deployments, see: Install Infinite Scale on a Server

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