App for automatically sharing contents that appear inside a folder

Auto share app

App that automatically shares any file or folder that appears within a selected folder, then sends the link per OC notification. Notification is then received on all devices and can be copied from wherever needed.

This is assuming that the format that the notification is using allows for easy copying.

Use cases:

  • as a user, I want a quick way to create links to locally generated pictures, videos or screenshots to be posted in a chatroom

Current flow:

  1. Take a screenshot
  2. Save screenshot into the ownCloud folder
  3. Wait for sync
  4. Login in web UI
  5. Navigate to folder of screenshot
  6. Click "Sharing" tab for screenshot
  7. Create link share (that is many clicks in 10.0.3!)
  8. Copy link share
  9. Paste into chat

There is a shorter way though when using desktop explorer integration where one can right click the file to get a link share. That's still a bit too much.

Proposed flow

  1. Take screenshot
  2. Save screenshot to $HOME/ownCloud/autoshare
  3. Wait
  4. Receive notification with link share

Optional extensions

  • ability to define different rules (expiration dates) for different folders
  • automatically delete after expiration (another app might already exist for that)
  • notification could be shared for everyone who have access to the folder, not only the folder owner


I forgot to mention that this could work for both private links and link shares.

For public shares, a link share is created then sent by notification.
For private shares, the app would just send the private link by notification.

By extension, when preparing videos to be posted in a chat (like GIFs...), another app could be written and used which processes incoming videos and converts them into a better postable format into the "autoshare" folder, which then makes it accessible for linking.

Considering that notifications will be able to send emails in the future, a user can choose where to receive the autoshare link notifications.