Hi, we have moved OwnCloud to a new server and now our automatic updater doesnt work. Is it normal and we need to update manually from now on? I am attaching a screenshot with system message. I am not a professional web admin, so I am a bit scared of core upgrade
Thank you. As far as I know the path looks like the one you can see on the screenshot above. I hope this looks fine. I will try to do the manual update today.
Hi, I am sorry for being so ignorant, but there is one more thing that bothers me. I have looked at the owncloud files via my FTP. I can see OwnCloud folder and also I have downloaded the new updated OwnCloud folder. If I replace them, would I loose my files? I cannot see the files stored on the OwnCloud in FTP folders… I’m obviously super ignorant user…
I can do it only via FTP, so I have followed the instruction above, extracted new version to the folder, copied my data, configuration and Apps-external from my old instance. But now I have this message saying that some apps still need to be updated. What to do?