I have installed the LDAP User and group backend, but getting no luck with the configs.
I have a number of other web-apps using LDAP successfully, but no luck with owncloud. * My example AD domain is: hosting.mydomain.com * My AD DC (LDAP) is: * I have created a user (in the Users OU): owncloud
In owncloud I have specified the server this way: l* dap:// (it auto-detects port 389) * uid=owncloud,DC=hosting,DC=mydomain,DC=com * password
I am unable to detect base DN, and even when I enter base DN: DC=hosting,DC=mydomain,DC=com, no luck. Any ideas?
Please consider that the User DN is the name as DN of a user who has permissions to do searches in the LDAP directory. So your "owncloud" user must have the right permissions.
You may also want to double-check your syntax: make sure there are no blank spaces in the "User DN" and "Base DN" fields.
OK, I got it, but for me the documentation is completely incorrect.
For server, enter: ldap:// Port is: 389 For the next line, enter ONLY the user name: owncloud (no CN=, no uid=) For the password, enter the password For the base DN: cn=Users,dc=hosting,dc=mydomain,dc=com