Building Desktop Sync Client On OpenSuse 13.2 for Windows

Steps to reproduce
1. Clone Owncloud Client from git://
2. Build until => make => and success
3. got error when run : make package

Expected behaviour
Desktop Client Sync exe package created and success to run in windows

Actual behaviour
Error appear when run : make package
The Error :
linux-i1rr:/home/jmti/mycloud/client # make package
[ 2%] Built target cstdlib
[ 9%] Built target ocsync
[ 10%] Automatic moc for target owncloudsync
[ 10%] Built target owncloudsync_automoc
[ 29%] Built target owncloudsync
[ 30%] Automatic moc for target updater
[ 30%] Built target updater_automoc
[ 32%] Built target updater
[ 33%] Automatic moc for target owncloud
[ 33%] Built target owncloud_automoc
[ 97%] Built target owncloud
[ 97%] Automatic moc for target owncloudcmd
[ 97%] Built target owncloudcmd_automoc
[ 99%] Built target owncloudcmd
[ 99%] Built target doc-man
[ 99%] Built target doc-html
[100%] Building documentation...
[100%] Built target doc
Run CPack packaging tool...
CPack: Create package using NSIS
CPack: Install projects
CPack: - Run preinstall target for: client
CPack: - Install project: client
CPack: Create package
CPack Error: Problem running NSIS command: "/usr/bin/makensis" "/home/jmti/mycloud/client/_CPack_Packages/unused/NSIS/project.nsi"
Please check /home/jmti/mycloud/client/_CPack_Packages/unused/NSIS/NSISOutput.log for errors
CPack Error: Problem compressing the directory
CPack Error: Error when generating package: ownCloud
Makefile:61: recipe for target 'package' failed
make: *** [package] Error 1

I view into NSISOutput.log show information :
ortsett likevel (ikke anbefalt)?" () ()
StrCpy $UNINSTALL_ABORT "Avinstallering avbrutt av bruker" () ()
StrCpy $INIT_NO_QUICK_LAUNCH "Hurtigstart-snarvei (I/T)" () ()
StrCpy $INIT_NO_DESKTOP "Snarvei på skrivebordet (skriver over eksisterende)" () ()
StrCpy $UAC_ERROR_ELEVATE "Klarte ikke å heve tilgangsnivå. Feil: " () ()
StrCpy $UAC_INSTALLER_REQUIRE_ADMIN "Dette installasjonsprogrammet krever administrasjonstilgang. Prøv igjen" () ()
StrCpy $INIT_INSTALLER_RUNNING "Installasjonsprogrammet kjører allerede." () ()
StrCpy $UAC_UNINSTALLER_REQUIRE_ADMIN "Avinstallasjonsprogrammet krever administrasjonstilgang. Prøv igjen" () ()
StrCpy $UAC_ERROR_LOGON_SERVICE "Påloggingstjenesten kjører ikke, avbryter!" () ()
StrCpy $INIT_UNINSTALLER_RUNNING "Avinstallasjonsprogrammet kjører allerede." () ()
StrCpy $SectionGroup_Shortcuts "Snarveier" () ()
!include: closed: "/home/jmti/mycloud/client/admin/win/nsi/l10n/Norwegian.nsh"
!insertmacro: end of SETLANG
!define: "HasSection"=""" HasSection"
Function: "LaunchApplication"
!insertmacro: UAC_AsUser_ExecShell
!insertmacro: macro named "UAC_AsUser_ExecShell" not found!
Error in script "/home/jmti/mycloud/client/_CPack_Packages/unused/NSIS/project.nsi" on line 249 -- aborting creation process

Build on :
Operating system:openSuse
Version: 13.2

Please help me... Thank you...

You're most likely missing a step explained in the build instructions here: