Apologies if this is obvious or been answered before.
We have an OwnCloud server which we allow project partners to access. As such we use the user's e-mail address for their UID. This has not caused us a problem in the past; however, I have a bulk creation of around 40 users to do and as such have discovered the occ command line functionality.
I have a : delimited file with the format, per line, of:
Bob Smith:bob@company.com
I have then tried to create the accounts using:
export OC_PASS=newpassword
while IFS=: read -r name email; do su -s /bin/sh www-data -c 'php occ user:add --password-from-env --display-name="$name" --group="PROJECT" $email'; done <file.txt
with this I receive an error:
Not enough arguments (missing: "uid")
if I then put the $email in "" I receive:
A valid username must be provided
I have also tried putting the "" around the e-mail address in the text file.
It may simply be that I am unable to create users for ourselves in the way; equaly so I will freely admit that I am relatively new to php (and the occ tool) so I could be missing something incredibly simple and obvious.
Any quidance in much appreciated.