I’m sorry for my english.
Steps to reproduce
- user A add an event in his calendar, and add user B like participant
- user B receive a mail from owncloud server mail, not by user A mail, and the event is added on his calendar
- user B don’t want accept all event without his permission
Expected behaviour
Before version 9.1 from owncloud, the event was not added on user B calendar. We prefer this.
Where is the parameter to retrieve this good comportment?
Actual behaviour
Tell us what happens instead
Server configuration
Operating system: debian 8
Web server: apache
Database: mysql
PHP version: 5
ownCloud version (see ownCloud admin page): 9.1.3
Updated from an older ownCloud or fresh install: updated
Special configuration (external storage, external authentication, reverse proxy, server-side-encryption):
ownCloud log (data/owncloud.log)
Please paste possible errors in the following code block, see How to find webserver or OC logfile / enable php logfile for more info
Integrity status for oC9+
Login as admin user into your ownCloud and access
paste the results here.