My OwnCloud instance connects with LDAP over port 389, but when i try port 636 it says it cannot contact the ldap server, base DN wrong.
I have a cert installed on my AD server and I have verified that I can telnet to it from OwnCloud host server.
I have added the location of my certificate to /etc/ldap/ldap.conf as well.
I think we tried it a long while ago, but it’s kinda pointless because you can’t limit your AD to allow only secure connections => you can’t close the 389 port.
ownCloud itself gives you very limited error output when it comes to LDAP, can you try to connect with ldapsearch on the command line? You need to install ldaputils to do that I suppose.
There you get some more options to configure and more errors to google
I have verified that my OwnCloud host, an ubuntu box can hit the AD server over 636, it’s just the OwnCloud software that is having the issue and nothing in the log is pointing to why. For ldapsearch, do you mean through the OwnCloud Command Console?