Cannot log in to owncloud after fresh installation

Hi guys,
I have tried to install owncloud on Ubuntu 16.04
I get the owncloud setup, enter desired credentials, database details etc.
Firstly when the setup completes it directs me to http://localhost and shows page cannot be displayed (Because I am installing remotely) and I dont know whether that is relevent?

But then once I browse to http://remote-ip-of-owncloud-server

It prompts me to login but does not accept my credentials

I have tried amending config.php to include my IP in the trusted domain array and this did not solve the problem.

I have tried running the permissions script from the owncloud installation documentation but that did not help either.

I have read about possible problem with apache or htaccess config in relation to basic auth but I have not changed anything from default.

I dont really know how to troubleshoot this any further and wonder if someone can point me in the right direction?

thanks in advance



if you create a new thread in the “oC server” category an template will be shown. Please always use this one and provide all necessary info asked within it (especially logfiles etc.). Without such infos its not possible to help here.

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Hi RealRAncor,
Thanks for the quick reply.
I started to follow your advice - opening up a thread again in oc server section and as soon as I read the first few lines of the template it clicked with me that the guide I wrote for myself expressly specified the oc server download link.
When I checked there was actually a newer version (I was using
I rolled back, installed using and it logged in first time!!!


ok that explains everything. Only ownCloud 9.0.3, 9.0.4 or 9.1.0 are compatible with PHP 7.0 shipped with Ubuntu 16.04. Previous ownCloud versions showed the behaviour with the repeated login.

Thats why i had asked to fill out the issue template which is e.g. asking for the used ownCloud version.

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OK that makes sense.
Thanks for your help and sorry about not filling in the details first time.