Cannot reset Administrator password using occ

I am not able to login in owncloud using the Administrator user, I tried to reset the password using the below command but it doesnt work.

root@72e26072fbc2: / # sudo -u www-data /var/www/owncloud/occ user:resetpassword Administrator
Enter a new password:
Confirm the new password:
Error while resetting password!

Can you check with the occ user:list command that the user Administrator exists? Usually it is called admin.
Otherwise you can figure out with the command occ group:list-members admin which user ids have admin rights inside your ownCloud.

Finally when creating a Server topic, there is an issue template that needs to be filled out so that users of this forum are able to help.

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Hi Thanks for the response yes it exists as Administrator, if i try the occ command with an unknown user it says the user is not found.
root@72e26072fbc2: /var/www/owncloud # occ user:list

  • Administrator: Administrator

Using this platform first time, sorry about that I didnt notice the issue template.

Perhaps you can rerun the occ change password command with a -vvv flag so it outputs errors (not sure it supports this flag though)?
Or have a look in the ownCloud log whether there is an error message?

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Didn’t help, the last option is to uninstall owncloud from univention and install it again.
These are the only log files i found which doesnt show any errors

That’s why you need to fill out the template.
Univention Appliance uses LDAP, the user is not in ownCloud but in Univention -> change password in Univention.

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