Can't enable Calandar and Contacts apps. OwnCloud 8.0.3

Using OwnCloud 8.0.3

When I try to enable either of these apps, the Enable button switches to read “Disable”, but when I leave and then return to the Apps page, it once again reads “Enable”.
I have the following logs on the Admin page:

Fatal core Invalid OCS content returned for app 166054 2017-05-17T17:53:03+00:00
Fatal core Invalid OCS content returned for app 166059 2017-05-17T17:53:03+00:00
Fatal core Invalid OCS content returned for app 166052 2017-05-17T17:53:02+00:00

Any help gratefully received.

as you can see on [1] this version is far from being recent and already unsupported. Please upgrade to at least oC 9.0.x (8.2.x is reaching end-of-life this month, where 8.1.x and 8.0.x already reached it) and try again.

[1] Changelog - ownCloud

Thanks for the info. I use a managed hosting service, which provides a “push button” method of upgrading. What I had not realised was that the “push button” upgrader does not upgrade major versions. So I need to manually go from 8 to 10. Looking at How to Upgrade Your ownCloud Server to 9.0 and How to Upgrade Your ownCloud Server to 10.0, it would seem that I need to upgrade via each major release, step by step: 8.0, 8.1, 8.2, 9, 10.0 . Busy day …

Yes, a correct upgrade path for you would be:

8.0.3 → latest 8.0.x → latest 8.1.x → latest 8.2.x → latest 9.0.x → latest 9.1.x (i wouldn’t go to 10.0 for now until 10.0.1 or 10.0.2 is released).